Blog / Adaptor and sprockets done

Adaptor and sprockets done
Posted on 23 May 2013 at 11:35 pm (CET)
Posted on 23 May 2013 at 11:35 pm (CET)
Today I was able to continue building. I received the adaptor and sprockets. They all fit perfectly.
Also checked how the chain would fit. Could shorten it quite a bit.
Took a while to shorten it since I don't have the tools for this but I succeeded anyway.
Now it just needs some more tension but it was getting a bit late already so I'll do this tomorrow. Could be that I still have to take 1 link out, not really sure if I still had the bearing house in the front position. It has quite a bit of play right now. But from what I can tell the chain is sitting in a straight line, didn't even have to adjust the adaptor. It just sits all the way on the axle.